Understanding Your Rights as a Tenant Under Rent Control

As a tenant, understanding your rights under rent control laws is crucial to ensuring that you’re protected against unfair rent increases and evictions. Rent control laws are designed to regulate how much a landlord can increase rent and under what circumstances they can evict a tenant. However, these laws can vary significantly depending on your location, making it essential to be well-informed.

1. What is Rent Control?

Rent control is a collection of laws that limit the amount landlords can charge for renting out a property. These laws typically cap the amount a landlord can increase rent annually and often come with specific provisions that protect tenants from sudden and significant rent hikes. Understanding whether your property is subject to rent control is the first step in knowing your rights. Properties in rent-controlled areas usually have regulations that are set by local or state governments, and these can vary widely.

2. Your Right to Reasonable Rent Increases

One of the primary benefits of rent control is the protection it offers against unreasonable rent increases. Under rent control, landlords can only raise the rent by a certain percentage each year, which is often tied to the cost of living or inflation rates. This means that as a tenant, you are entitled to stability and predictability in your housing costs. If your landlord attempts to increase your rent beyond the allowable limit, you have the right to challenge this and seek legal recourse.

3. Protection Against Unlawful Evictions

Rent control laws also typically provide tenants with greater protection against eviction. In many rent-controlled areas, landlords are required to provide a valid reason, such as non-payment of rent or significant lease violations, to evict a tenant. Simply deciding to raise the rent to force a tenant out, for example, is not allowed under most rent control statutes. This protection ensures that tenants are not arbitrarily removed from their homes and can feel secure in their rental agreements.

4. Understanding the Limits of Rent Control

While rent control offers significant protections, it’s important to understand its limitations. Not all properties are covered under rent control laws. For instance, newer buildings or single-family homes may be exempt depending on local laws. Additionally, rent control does not mean that rent will never increase; rather, it regulates the rate at which it can increase. Being aware of these nuances will help you better navigate your rights and responsibilities as a tenant.

5. Your Right to Information

As a tenant, you have the right to be fully informed about your rental agreement, including any clauses related to rent control. Landlords are often required to provide you with information about how rent control laws apply to your rental unit. If you are unsure whether your unit is subject to rent control or if you have questions about your lease, you have the right to request this information from your landlord. In many jurisdictions, landlords who fail to disclose this information may be subject to penalties.

6. How to Dispute a Rent Increase

If you believe your landlord has increased your rent unlawfully, you have the right to dispute it. The first step is to review your lease and understand the applicable rent control regulations in your area. If you find that the increase exceeds the allowable limit, you can file a complaint with your local rent board or housing authority. Many cities have specific procedures in place for handling rent disputes, and it’s important to follow these guidelines to ensure your complaint is heard and addressed.

7. What to Do if Your Rights are Violated

In the event that your landlord violates rent control laws, such as by issuing an unlawful eviction notice or refusing to comply with legal rent increase limits, you have several options. You can seek assistance from a tenant rights organization, contact your local housing authority, or consult with an attorney specializing in tenant law. Taking prompt action is crucial, as it helps protect your rights and may prevent further violations.

8. The Importance of Documentation

Keeping detailed records is one of the most effective ways to protect your rights under rent control. This includes saving all correspondence with your landlord, copies of your lease agreement, and any notices of rent increases or other communications related to your tenancy. Should a dispute arise, having thorough documentation will strengthen your case and provide clear evidence of any violations.

9. Resources for Tenants

There are numerous resources available to help tenants understand and enforce their rights under rent control. Local tenant unions, legal aid societies, and housing authorities often provide free or low-cost assistance. Many of these organizations can help you navigate rent control laws, assist with filing complaints, and provide legal representation if needed. Familiarizing yourself with these resources can be invaluable, particularly if you encounter challenges with your landlord.

10. How Westrom Property Management Can Help

At Westrom Property Management, we believe in fostering positive relationships between landlords and tenants. We understand that navigating rent control laws can be complex, and we are here to help both landlords and tenants understand their rights and responsibilities. By working with a professional property management company like Westrom, you can ensure that your rental experience is smooth, compliant with all regulations, and that your rights as a tenant are respected.


Understanding your rights under rent control is essential for maintaining a stable and secure living situation. By being informed about rent control laws, you can protect yourself from unfair rent increases and unlawful evictions. If you find yourself in a situation where your rights are being challenged, know that there are resources and professionals available to assist you.

At Westrom Property Management, we are dedicated to supporting both tenants and landlords in creating successful rental experiences. If you have questions about your rights under rent control or need assistance with a rental issue, contact us today. Our experienced team is here to help you navigate the complexities of property management and ensure that your rental experience is positive and stress-free.