Common Mistakes Landlords Make Without Property Management

As a landlord, managing rental properties can be a rewarding but challenging endeavor. While it might seem cost-effective to handle everything independently, many landlords unknowingly make mistakes that could have been easily avoided with professional property management. Here are some of the most common mistakes landlords make without property management and how they can be mitigated.

1. Inadequate Tenant Screening

One of the most critical aspects of managing a rental property is selecting the right tenants. Many landlords, in an effort to fill vacancies quickly, may rush the screening process. This can lead to renting to tenants who may not pay rent on time, damage the property, or cause disturbances with other tenants. Without a thorough screening process, including credit checks, background checks, and rental history verification, landlords are more likely to encounter problematic tenants. Professional property managers have the tools and experience to perform in-depth tenant screenings, ensuring reliable and responsible tenants.

2. Failure to Stay Compliant with Laws and Regulations

Landlords must adhere to various local, state, and federal laws that govern rental properties, including fair housing laws, safety codes, and eviction procedures. Failing to stay compliant can result in legal disputes, fines, and even lawsuits. Without the expertise of a property management company, landlords might overlook critical legal requirements, such as proper documentation or the handling of security deposits. Property managers are well-versed in these regulations and can ensure that all actions are compliant, protecting landlords from potential legal issues.

3. Inconsistent Rent Collection

Rent collection can be a significant challenge for landlords, especially when tenants are late or refuse to pay. Some landlords may struggle with enforcing timely payments, leading to inconsistent cash flow and financial stress. Additionally, handling late payments or initiating evictions can be both time-consuming and emotionally taxing. Property management companies have systems in place to ensure consistent rent collection, and they can handle difficult situations, such as non-payment, efficiently and professionally.

4. Underestimating Maintenance and Repair Costs

Maintaining a rental property involves more than just collecting rent; it also requires regular maintenance and prompt repairs. Landlords who manage properties on their own may underestimate the costs and time associated with these tasks. Ignoring or delaying maintenance can lead to more significant issues, resulting in expensive repairs and dissatisfied tenants. Property management companies have established relationships with contractors and vendors, often securing better rates for services and ensuring that maintenance issues are addressed promptly, preserving the property’s value and keeping tenants satisfied.

5. Poor Communication with Tenants

Effective communication is key to maintaining a good landlord-tenant relationship. However, landlords managing multiple properties or who are otherwise busy may struggle to keep open lines of communication with their tenants. This can lead to misunderstandings, unresolved issues, and tenant dissatisfaction. Without regular communication, landlords may miss out on addressing small concerns before they escalate into bigger problems. Property management companies act as a liaison, ensuring that tenant concerns are heard and addressed promptly, fostering a positive living environment and reducing tenant turnover.

6. Improper Handling of Security Deposits

Security deposits are a common source of disputes between landlords and tenants. Without a clear understanding of the laws governing security deposits, landlords may inadvertently mishandle them, leading to legal consequences. Common mistakes include failing to return the deposit within the required timeframe, not providing an itemized list of deductions, or using the deposit for unauthorized purposes. Property management companies are familiar with the legal requirements and ensure that security deposits are handled properly, reducing the risk of disputes and legal complications.

7. Pricing the Property Incorrectly

Setting the right rental price is crucial for attracting tenants and maximizing returns. Many landlords either overprice or underprice their properties, both of which can have negative consequences. Overpricing can lead to longer vacancies, while underpricing may result in lower income and difficulty covering expenses. Property managers conduct thorough market analyses to determine the optimal rental price, ensuring that the property is competitive in the market and that landlords achieve the best possible return on investment.

8. Neglecting Marketing and Advertising

Filling vacancies quickly is essential to maintaining consistent cash flow, but many landlords struggle with effective marketing and advertising. Without a strong marketing strategy, properties may sit vacant for extended periods. Property management companies have access to various marketing channels and strategies to effectively advertise rental properties, reaching a wider audience and reducing vacancy rates. They also have the experience to highlight the property’s best features, making it more appealing to potential tenants.

9. Lack of Regular Property Inspections

Regular property inspections are vital for identifying potential issues before they become major problems. However, many landlords either neglect to conduct inspections or do so inconsistently. Without regular inspections, minor issues like leaks or wear and tear can go unnoticed and turn into costly repairs. Property managers schedule and conduct regular inspections, ensuring that the property is well-maintained and that any necessary repairs are addressed promptly.

10. Overlooking the Importance of Tenant Retention

High tenant turnover can be costly and time-consuming for landlords, as it involves cleaning, repairs, advertising, and screening new tenants. Some landlords may not prioritize tenant retention, leading to frequent vacancies. Property management companies focus on tenant retention by maintaining good relationships, addressing concerns promptly, and providing excellent service. This not only keeps tenants happy but also reduces the costs associated with turnover and vacancies.


Managing a rental property without professional assistance can lead to numerous challenges and mistakes that could have been easily avoided. From inadequate tenant screening to inconsistent rent collection, these errors can impact a landlord’s profitability and peace of mind. At Westrom Property Management, we specialize in handling all aspects of property management, from tenant screening to maintenance and legal compliance. By entrusting your property to us, you can avoid these common pitfalls and ensure that your investment is well-managed and protected.

Don’t let the challenges of property management overwhelm you. Contact Westrom Property Management today to learn how we can help you avoid common landlord mistakes and maximize the return on your rental property investment. Let us take care of the details so you can enjoy the rewards of being a property owner.